Web Development & Programming Courses

All Web Development & Programming Courses

We found 23 courses available for you
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25 hours

AngularJS is an open source JavaScript based web development framework …

What you'll learn
Learn fundamental Javascript concepts that power AngularJS.
Write quicker, better AngularJS code by discovering how AngularJS itself is built.
Learn AngularJS terminology, such as dependency injection, services, directives, transclusion, and more.
Design custom directives and save time and energy with easily reusable components

Advanced C++ Programming

25 hours
47 Lessons

C++ helps to solidify knowledge of programming concepts and provides …

What you'll learn
Flow of control
Polymorphism and inheritance
C++ Type System
Heap/stack semantics
Stream I/O
C++ Standard Library
C++ 11

Natural Language Processing with Python

10 hours
41 Lessons

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a fusion of ML, AI, …

What you'll learn
Understanding of how to use the Natural Language Tool Kit.
Be able to load and manipulate your own text data.
Know how to formulate solutions to text based problems.
Know when it is appropriate to apply solutions.

R Programming for Data Science

12 hours
47 Lessons

R Programming is a language for statistical computing and graphics …

What you'll learn
Understand critical programming language concepts
Configure statistical programming software
Make use of R loop functions and debugging tools
Collect detailed information using R
Learn how to create variables
Understand the Normal distribution

Android App Development for Beginners

15 hours
57 Lessons

Android is the ubiquitous operating system found in millions of …

What you'll learn
Android installation and setup for Android development
Concept of Layout and Views in Android development
Different ways to store your data on an Android device
Lists and Fragments in Android development

Perl Programming

10 hours
46 Lessons

Perl Programming is a robust and flexible application development language …

What you'll learn
Design a Perl Application.
Create automated applications that does the work for you,
Create enhanced text analyzer applications

Clinical Data Management & SAS Programming

30 hours
28 Lessons

Clinical Data Management (CDM) is an important phase in clinical …

What you'll learn
Clinical data concepts
Logistic regression using clinical data
Different statistical tools using clinical data
Accessing Clinical Data
Exploring data & Filtering rows
Summarizing Clinical Data
Creating summary statistics reports
Interpreting Statistical measures using univariate procedure
Performing one-way and two-way ANOVA on clinical data
Understanding the concepts of Linear Regression with clinical data

HTML, CSS, & Javascript for Web Developer Training

15 hours
42 Lessons

HTML, CSS, & Javascript for Web Developers Training is designed …

What you'll learn
Learn Ways to Deploy Website Online
Create interactive websites using HTML, CSS & Javascript
Create both simple and complex HTML and CSS forms
Create a working contact form
Ability to implement responsive website navigation bars
Create your own website to showcase your skills.
Skill and ability to deploy websites.
Learn about web-server and how to manage your website.